Category: Terraform

VMware Provisioning using Hashicorp Terraform – Part 2

In the first part of this series we went over Terraform at a very high level and discussed a basic example of using it to provision a single Windows VM or a single Linux VM. While this is a helpful baseline, it doesn’t realistically help us when defining our application structure in code. For example, if you wanted to set up a three tier application you’ll need to have three separate instances of the project we used. At that point we’re not really gaining much efficiency over deploying a template in vCenter. In this post I’ll discuss Terraform Modules, give an example of how to store your Terraform Module in GitHub, and provide a real-life example of how to deploy a three tier application using multiple source images.

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Jitsi for Just in Time Conferencing using Terraform on Vultr with Route 53

With everything going on in the world with COVID-19 and the social distancing that is happening, people are looking to connect with friends, family and co-workers via Video conferencing more than ever. Recent vulnerabilities in Zoom have made people more cognizant than ever that security needs to be considered when using these platforms no matter what you are using them for.

Jitsi is an open source video conferencing platform that I’ve been hearing about a lot lately, and finally had a chance to look into. In this post I’ll explain how to use Terraform to provision a Jitsi instance when you need a conference and tear it down when you are done. We’ll be using Vultr and their Jitsi “application” and AWS Route 53 for DNS.

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VMware Provisioning using Hashicorp Terraform

As a part of my effort to use Infrastructure as Code to define and automate VMware environments, I’m taking a look at Terraform for VMware provisioning. In this article, I will give a brief intro to Terraform, talk about how it can help in managing your enterprise environments, as well as how it’s different than Ansible. I’ll also provide example code and description for how to provision Windows and Linux VMs.

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